Slow motion and Frame Rates...


Hello everyone.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

When working with slow motion footage, in a video editing software, along with regular footage (50fps) - are there anything to consider or do differently??
Especially when exporting the project? Normally I export in 50fps, because that's what my main footage is shot at...
The slow motion footage is shot at 120fps - so in order for it to run smoothly, along with the 50fps, are there any adjustments I should consider?

Another question...
Is it completely impossible to make some nice, smoothly running slow motion shots, in my video editor, with footage shot at 50fps, without using a stabilizer or gimbal?
I've tried a few times, but I didn't find the results very good...

Your help is greatly appreciated.
try slowing down 120fps to 40% or 20% original speed alongside some 50fps clips & final export at 50fps or 25fps, in this case you can also slow the 50fps clips by 50%
The used video editing software would help to get hints for it.
possible, but usually editors find this kind of info elsewhere = google/youtube/forums/books/school etc...
Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it.

I use Movavi Video Editor.

So, am I right in thinking, that with footage shot in 50fps, I'm able to slow it down by 50% and no more?
Should the project then be exported in 50fps or another Frame Rate??
am I right in thinking, that with footage shot in 50fps, I'm able to slow it down by 50% and no more?
Should the project then be exported in 50fps or another Frame Rate??
correct, you can export the project in either 50 or 25, but do check which looks better to you