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Feel free to tell me here or send me a PM :) 10 YT $ Sounds perfect ;)

All I need is a theme and some colors :p
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Hey so I'm interested in thumbnails for all my current videos as well as an outro.

The theme for the outro would be a science theme with the colors of my logo I have on here!
For the thumbnails, I'm not too sure
So, you'd like a World News Thumnail Series, World Science Thumnail Series and then two other thumnails? :)
I can work on that tonight, might be done with it tonight even :)

For the outro, colors of your logo and then a box for the video and icons for social media? :) @TheTHeyms
So, you'd like a World News Thumnail Series, World Science Thumnail Series and then two other thumnails? :)
I can work on that tonight, might be done with it tonight even :)

For the outro, colors of your logo and then a box for the video and icons for social media? :) @TheTHeyms

Yes please! For the other two thumbnails series one can be a "Random News" series and the other can be a sort of "Intelligent Debate" series!

Also, yes for the outro! As long as I have a Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook icon on it plus 1-2 previous videos then awesome =D
Oh yes, I have it ready for you:

Here it is:

Also just finished the Thumbnails and Outro for TheSciLife ;)
Can check them out in the first post :)