Significant difference between revenue showing on Old and New Analytics


YTtalk Mad
I used to keep one eye on the realtime revenue coming in when the Adsense website showed those things. Of course, that came to an end and since then I see the results in the analytics section. I noticed that analytics revenue reported was quite a bit less than what the realtime Adsense site showed. I figured the analytics numbers were more accurate and reflected what the final payout would be. (The Adsense number always was reduced after verification was made to determine what the true payout was going to be).

But now with the new Analytics I see the numbers reported are smaller still. When I looked at the numbers in both the old analytics and the new analytics for April, there's a 33% difference! I guess I'll compare both numbers to what the actual payout becomes at the end of this month. Out of curiosity, does anyone know anything about what's more accurate?
Now that the payouts for April are made, I can say that the old analytics number was very accurate and the new analytics number understated revenue by about 33%. Not to mention that the old analytics allows you to see monthly averages, quarterly results, yearly results, etc. The new analytics is such a huge step backwards.
Update after may payouts:
Old analytics revenue numbers were nearly spot on again. New analytics revenue numbers were 26% low (last month they were 33% low).