Should small YouTubers put ads on their videos?

I monetize simply because it makes me look and feel more official.

No. View counts, comments and ratings do that.

Since you don't see a video on every video, but most the vast majority of videos are now monetized, most people wouldn't think anything better about a channel if it had an ad.

You can only get an ad once every seven minutes (per. Tim Schmoyer of Video Creators) anyways so it's like if you're too anxious to get an ad over with, how can I expect you to fully indulge in my content and pull out every message possible from what I produce? If you can't watch an ad, you most likely can't watch a video.

If a friend recommends a video, I'll gladly sit through any ad to see the video. Without a recommendation, things get trickier, and that's where view counts and ratings come into play.

If I happen to randomly stumble upon a video with very small views or a negatively skewed rating, I'll generally give it 10 seconds to pull me in or I move on. If an ad pops up, there's a good chance I'll think twice before sitting through it. After all, there are millions of other videos to watch.

It's like if you workout in a shirt in the gym or a brand shirt in the gym. Regardless of how big the brand is, it's still a brand and people are going to look at you differently and probably think you're more serious about working out than others.

If I'm in a gym, I don't care what people working out are wearing. I care about how they look and the person who looks healthy and fit looks infinitely more serious about working out than the person wearing a fancy shirt.

To continue your example, views and ratings would be a healthy and fit video.
i couldn't find a reason not to enable ads on your video, doesnt matter if you are small youtubers or big youtubers, few cents are still money, and the money wont go away as soon as you earned it. Why waste an opportunity to earn some bulks if you can.
Since I misunderstood the post as I though that putting actual ads on the video itself. haha. So anyway, putting ads even if you are a small channel is fine,just don't tick the unskippable long ads videos. haha. Anyway, most people right now use adblock, so it does not really matter anymore.
According to Socialblade, you're getting approximately 1,000 views per day from 23 videos. I think you are doing very well for a young channel. You are certainly doing a lot of things right and it'd be a shame to stunt that growth for the sake of a few short-term $$

Having said that, the last quarter, particularly November and December are the best months for $ so you could perhaps enable monetization for November and December to ride that wave and then disable it again in January when CPM plummets and go back to concentrating solely on growing your channel.
As long as you put the short skippable ads I think it should be fine. Don't put none skippable ones as that would deter people.
Well, I use all ads except for the non-skippable ones. I wouldn't annoy my viewers with ads that you can not click away. Some overlay ads and stuff aren't really annoying I think personally.
I was wondering if ads on videos are unattractive? I was wondering because I just started putting ads on my channel. The main reason I did it was because I wanted some extra money to increase the quality of my video and so I can buy more games and review them on my channel. Please let me know if it was a mistake and if I should remove the ads or leave them there.
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Not really in my opinion. It depends on your content. If you've put a lot of time into what you're making then I say go ahead but if they're traditional gaming videos/ lets plays then you shouldn't. But it's all up to the content creator whether it's necessary or not.
In my opinion monetizing your videos really doesn't matter in driving people away anymore (if it ever did). Half of the people are so used to ads that they don't care about them anymore and expect to see them (or use an ad blocker and don't even know ads exist), and the majority of people won't link the ads directly to your channel anyway. I think the vast majority of casual YouTube users consider video ads as something YouTube does, not the channel owner. So don't worry about it.
In my opinion monetizing your videos really doesn't matter in driving people away anymore (if it ever did). Half of the people are so used to ads that they don't care about them anymore and expect to see them (or use an ad blocker and don't even know ads exist), and the majority of people won't link the ads directly to your channel anyway. I think the vast majority of casual YouTube users consider video ads as something YouTube does, not the channel owner. So don't worry about it.

And it's that mentality combined with the widespread use of adblockers that has helped bring CPM down to its current low levels.

You clearly don't see the harm in enabling ads, but it is there.

The more often people see ads, the more likely they're going to use an adblocker. The more videos that are out there showing ads, the lower ad prices will go.

This is even more ridiculous on channels that will likely never reach the $100 threshold since they're, in essence, annoying their few viewers and handing any income over to Google.

I miss the old days where you had to reach a certain mark before monetization was allowed. Now, it seems, everyone is running to YouTube trying to make a quick buck instead of doing it because they actually enjoy it.
