Should I buy Bioshock infinite?

Except for where Alan Wake is concerned where you drink half a bottle of Bourbon and you're all like IMMA THROW STUFF AT UR FACE STOOPID SHADOW PEOPLE! GOD ALAN WAKE IS SO FAT HE CAN'T EVEN RUN! :giggle:

On topic: I like how it isn't set in Rapture. I am curious as to how they tied it in (or is it a brand new story?)
There are little throwbacks early on and things you'll pick up on if you're sharp and observant (and taking notes). Rapture is tied in but I can't say how without entirely spoiling the story.

And I'm also writing another talk/vlog on when it's okay to do a blind play and when you shouldn't. so far I've written down for sure sure: Horror games=Yes, Story driven single player=No. I want to polish it up though since there are a lot of gray areas that I want to think about more.