I have no time , i have no ideas , i have no good reactions, what can i do? Reviews , ok then ,but is it enougph?IK have no idias , i had another channel with 85 subs but still my ideas are sooo limited.
Alright look. Many other have said pretty much what you need to know. If you are looking to Youtube just to get big and make money. Odds are it's never gonna happen unless you got some mad luck.
Also just make videos of what you like to do. If you like gaming, do that. Like cooking, make cooking videos. Like to draw, make tutorials or just post videos of you drawing. If you don't enjoy making the videos it will show in the video.
If you are looking to get big fast, while it does happen, I have been doing youtube off and on, for close to 4 years(breaks about a year and a half) and have less that 500 subscribers with 700 videos. I love making videos tho, and if i'm having even just one person watching and enjoying the video then theres the reason to keep going.
As for the time thing, build a schedule around what time you have, theres no reason throwing yourself into youtube unless you have a game plan or a lot of subscribers, take it slow at first. Do it when you can unless you have the time to go full time into it.
Youtube requires a lot of work, patience, luck and the will to make entertaining videos. If you yourself wouldn't watch the video you made, why would someone else.
I'm not saying to give up and i'm not saying to stay with it. If you don't like making videos, maybe youtube isn't for you. If you're just down from the lack of quick growth, i've been there but you gotta keep going.