Send me questions for a Q&A video!!

Whats your ethnicity are you filipino are you vietnamese, korean? I'd actually really like to know that if you haven't answered that question in any of your videos before?
SimplyRodney i came up with some new ones you dont have to answer them all. :p
Ok how do you feel about graduating from highschool are you scared?
How was your prom?
Whats your favorite/best subject in school?
Whata your favorite book/movie series?
Last but not least whats the scariest thing you've ever done before killing that poor spider? xD
These are ok right? :)
What's your favorite place to go to in Portland?
What's your favorite video you've made so far?
What's your favorite memory so far this year?
What's your favorite flavor of bubble tea?

Thanks Kevin! :D[DOUBLEPOST=1368303001,1368302970][/DOUBLEPOST]
Whats your ethnicity are you filipino are you vietnamese, korean? I'd actually really like to know that if you haven't answered that question in any of your videos before?

I was gonna make a separate video about my ethnicity! haha. Maybe ask me another question?[DOUBLEPOST=1368303814][/DOUBLEPOST]
Whats your ethnicity are you filipino are you vietnamese, korean? I'd actually really like to know that if you haven't answered that question in any of your videos before?
SimplyRodney i came up with some new ones you dont have to answer them all. :p
Ok how do you feel about graduating from highschool are you scared?
How was your prom?
What you favorite/best subject in school?
What your favorite book/movie series?
Last but not least whats the scariest thing you've ever done before killing that poor spider? xD
These are ok right? :)

haha thank you for the questions, man!! :D
Did you ever get any arm warmers? You ever seen a solar eclipse?
Can you cry under water?
If you could be a flavor of ice cream, which flavor would you be and why?
Describe yourself in three words.
Can you say the alphabet backwards? Demonstration?

I don't know where these questions came from, but have fun.
hmm whats your fav movie
whats your fav food
whats your top 3 fav big youtubers
whats your top 3 fav small youtubers (aka yttalk ppls)
Can you cry under water?
If you could be a flavor of ice cream, which flavor would you be and why?
Describe yourself in three words.
Can you say the alphabet backwards? Demonstration?

I don't know where these questions came from, but have fun.

Thank you :D[DOUBLEPOST=1368323604,1368323584][/DOUBLEPOST]
hmm whats your fav movie
whats your fav food
whats your top 3 fav big youtubers
whats your top 3 fav small youtubers (aka yttalk ppls)

Thanks Sakura :D