Second channel?

well the one i have is a pendant ocarina, different shape than the one in the game, but if you go to the website i posted above, you can find the one from the game(but the price ranges from $50 to $130). You could also get one called the baby dragon tooth, same general shape (sweet potato) but looks and sounds a bit different, it cost about $30
or you can order plastic sweet potato ones, which very from $15 t0 $25, they dont sound as good though, but they're cheap
this is more or less what the channel would look/sound like: ht t p: //w ww(dot)youtube(dot)com/ watch?v=_EnKpXC9YeM&feature
Just wanted to post this out in the open ... but wouldn't it be better to have one account and then combine your blogs and your music? For example, every Thursday make a blog, then every Monday do a Music video. It would attract a more diverse fan base. However, again, its what you think works best. Just putting it out
maybe, although i kinda demolished my whole schedule and now just makes vlogs at random, but i may do something like that, idk lol ill think about it XD