Scriptless vlogging?

I do not script any of my Vlogs the only one I did was the very first one which I was so nervous about doing.
The couple vlogs I've done I did not script, just had a list of the major points I wanted to hit. I'm prone to forget things once I go off on the inevitable tangent so it helps to have that to bring me back on track.
Like everyone else has said, it's different for everyone.
Scripting can be really helpful while you're starting out and gaining some confidence, but I think you'll always come off as much more real and genuine if you don't.
I've said before, I always have points I write down so I remember to hit them, but some of my favorite moments have come out of me just talking, being goofy and seeing what happens (like the entirety of my "Coffee" video).
Sometimes I end up with 20+ minutes of footage to edit into a 4 minute video, but's fun.
Like everyone else has said, it's different for everyone.
Scripting can be really helpful while you're starting out and gaining some confidence, but I think you'll always come off as much more real and genuine if you don't.
I've said before, I always have points I write down so I remember to hit them, but some of my favorite moments have come out of me just talking, being goofy and seeing what happens (like the entirety of my "Coffee" video).
Sometimes I end up with 20+ minutes of footage to edit into a 4 minute video, but's fun.
I adore you. I mean like, your vlogs, you are awesome. Just sayin :)
If you're comfortable doing scriptless vlogs, that's actually a good thing! Just do what works best for you :)
I think it flows better for me if I don't fully script it, because if I do I feel as though I'm reading it out :P I think that writing down the kind of thing you want to say is a good idea though just so that I don't go totally blank in the middle of filming
I think it flows better for me if I don't fully script it, because if I do I feel as though I'm reading it out :p I think that writing down the kind of thing you want to say is a good idea though just so that I don't go totally blank in the middle of filming
Here's a thought your post just gave me. not sure how cause you didn't really allude to it but it did lmao. but have any of you guys every tried memorizing your script like... loosely, not going meticulous, but just memorizing like... so that you could paraphrase it in your sleep if you will. then after you do, don't think about it for like a day, just forget it, then the next day, turn on your camera, vlog, and see if the mixture of the script being in your subconcious, while being removed enough from your psyche to make you SELF concious, would wind up with a more candid vlog that still hit all your points. Just a little experiment the vloggers who script could try :)
You're gonna spend a lot of time editing your vlog before or after you record, you just hafta decide where you like to spend your time. Ideas have more potential on paper, and you'll have less random edits on the same take.[DOUBLEPOST=1353171634,1353171560][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hi Ashley..

I often have a basic idea as to what I want to talk about, and then ramble on about that.
Once you edit, it is much easier to cut the stuff you don't need

Great channel!
Writing out bullet points, like a public speaker keeps it organic while having the structure that a script offers.[DOUBLEPOST=1353171716][/DOUBLEPOST]
Here's a thought your post just gave me. not sure how cause you didn't really allude to it but it did lmao. but have any of you guys every tried memorizing your script like... loosely, not going meticulous, but just memorizing like... so that you could paraphrase it in your sleep if you will. then after you do, don't think about it for like a day, just forget it, then the next day, turn on your camera, vlog, and see if the mixture of the script being in your subconcious, while being removed enough from your psyche to make you SELF concious, would wind up with a more candid vlog that still hit all your points. Just a little experiment the vloggers who script could try :)
I'd like to memorize you in your sleep.