Scripting or not scripting

I don't use scripts unless it's a review.
Scripting is not a bad idea especially if you want to sound professionally.
To avoid looking fake? I suggest you try talking infront of a mirror while reading the script and try to act naturally, like put emotions and facial expressions.
Honestly it depends on your content. As a gaming channel I don't script because I want to have genuine reactions to gameplay - however - planning the video is very important. I partially script - I get a general idea of what I want to say to intro and end the video, and if there are any updates I want to announce, I do the same thing. I never go word for word script because then it doesn't sound genuine, but planning things out does have benefits, including less ums, more confidence, and a clearer message! If you do decide to make a word for word script, make sure its natural and comfortable to say!
So I hardly ever script. I was wondering if not scripting was a bad idea. What are the perks? How do you avoid looking fake?

it all depends...some people are awesome at following a script and remembering lines and stuff like im horrible at it! i wing almost everything i do..even with some of the short films i've done i just sorta read the idea of what my character is going to say and deliver the line however i want. its hard for me to say something word for word haha.
I would at least write down some points to follow and have some sort of a game plan during your video just to make sure everything goes smoothly
Scripting is entirely up to preference. I personally script my reviews because I end up rambly if I don't. Talking incoherently, and dancing around the points I want to make. I know other people enjoy doing it impromptu, but that's only really viable to me in something less effort inducing. Such as a Let's Play.

I say, play around with it. "Sounding Fake" is something that happens when you're not used to reading off of a script. Once you get better at reading off of them, your voice will start sounding more confident. Sounding less "fake" :p

If you're on camera, read and retain a certain portion of your script. Then, try recording whatever it is you need. Don't worry if you didn't say it word for word. It's just so you know what you were going to say.

Good luck on whatever ya do :p
If you want a script, I would just write bullet points down on a computer and set it nearest the filming area where you can glance at it. Don't be afraid to take a few takes! <3 .
I would say for your style of video it wouldn't be a bad idea to script it. Don't follow it exactly though.

We always script our videos but many time we will get off the script or we will change the wording but having a script keeps the flow of the video from dragging on and getting boring.
I always write a script, but I don't always 100% follow it. A lot is improvised or just me being weird, but I want to at least write a script since I'm talking English even though I'm not english myself. That way I kinda know how to say stuff without sounding like a total idiot haha!
Sometimes before a video I'll write down a couple of things tor remember to talk about before I start recording (i like to do live commentaries) and this seems to help me out! :)