
Do you script?

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Well, Ive done word for word scripts and point for scripts ...honestly it depends on what youre mmost comfortable with. For me, Its easiest if i mke some parts word for word and some part just jot down something then i set up my stuff....But i usually just improv the word for word prt of my script either way. Especially if i have a lot to say about the topic.
Hopefully something i said help out at least a little.
Always, I want to know what I'm talking about. Unscripted videos don't always turn out well. That being said, I don't memorize lines. I write my ideas down and remember those, then I just say what I think about them :)
We shoot our show unscripted, but it works well for our format for a few reasons:

- As a drunk crafting show, we have a general framework to follow along
- As a drunk crafting show, improv and reactions and mistakes are part of what we're highlighting

Make sure your editing is on point, though. No script means more work in the editing room!
I always script. But, I do science videos not gaming. It makes it sound so much more polished and professional scripted. Also, it allows me to add captions, and paste it into the description for those who want to read it. At first I sounded like I was reading a script (because I was :P) but I have gotten better and now it sounds more natural (not perfect yet).

Obviously gaming and reaction videos work better without scripting, because they require reactions and live opinions (unless you are doing a regular commentary and not a live one).
Nah... I don't completely script my videos. I write down my ideas so that I don't forget them, and when it comes time to record, I basically pick a topic out of the magic hat and use it. Nothing I say on screen is scripted.
We use to never script in our first videos. Now we do and our videos are way better. But do what feels right for youn