scripted or unscripted vedios ?

I would go for scripted videos for skits, comedic sorts of videos.

But things that come from the heart, say, a time in your life was pretty rough, or what something means to you. A bit of planning yes, but no actual scripting. That way it comes from the heart y'know? Letting your emotions run free.

I'm not much of a real life guy (on YT), but I hope this helped. :)
It completely depends on the video. Guides and how to's should be scripted. I personally think let's plays should be unscripted, but I have seen some good scripted ones too.
I Spent over one year doing scripted vedios , the people liked it cuz it contains alot of info , but not entertain . i need to try the un scripted vedios , i never made unscripted vedio
I script, sometimes it ends up being the actual words I say, other times it ends up just being my guideline. Also if im anywhere but my house, no scripting is done which means its slightly longer :)
I'd say it depends entirely on the type of video you are doing. Heck, it kinda depends on the person featured in the video as well and how easily they can shoot from the hip.
It really depends on what you are doing. I have not scripted any of mine, life dictates what I talk about. That or a video I just watched gets me inspired with a topic to vlog about. My upcoming car review videos will be loosely scripted, but still (hopefully) retain the "on the fly" feel as I won't script word for word. It's more keywords that my mind will have to stitch together.
Use scripts for complicated vids............

Dont use scripts for gaming,etc
i actually do a little of both. I put together a rough draft but leave a lot of it open to improvisation so that it does not come across stale or fake.