Script or Improvisation??

In another thread, I once said that I just rely on notes/bullets. But I realized that is not quite right. While I don't formally script my videos--I just have the notes--I realized that I rehearse them whenever I am walking around. I try out different ways of saying things or different points. By the time I sit in front of the camera, I have a pretty good idea of what I will end up saying. Even so, not having a script means that I can adapt pretty easily if something else pops into my head.

I know for me that if I tried to read from a script or deliver something that is completely memorized, I would come off really stiff. I know lots of people can use scripts, though!
My videos are half scripted and half improvised, sometimes I say everything exactly as I wrote it down but most of the time I just write down the things I'm going to talk about and improvise with that.
With or without script, it still takes me around 5 takes for every line lol
People have pretty much nailed it. Have a general idea and then improv from there.

Although if you have a really good idea, a scripted sketch can sometimes work really well and be very funny
Wouldn't it depend on the video? Improvising on certain videos don't work.

For example, on my anime channel (Spoiler Alert Podcast) I do a little series for anime recommendations. It's 100% scripted but the reason for that is because I want it professional. If I'm trying to get my point across for a series so people would watch it, I want people to take me seriously. Then again its only a 2 minute video.

On the other hand, vlogs and video game commentaries are mostly what everyone else is saying: get a general idea of what you want to say then improvise :)