David Stoll
Not to be taken seriously
In another thread, I once said that I just rely on notes/bullets. But I realized that is not quite right. While I don't formally script my videos--I just have the notes--I realized that I rehearse them whenever I am walking around. I try out different ways of saying things or different points. By the time I sit in front of the camera, I have a pretty good idea of what I will end up saying. Even so, not having a script means that I can adapt pretty easily if something else pops into my head.
I know for me that if I tried to read from a script or deliver something that is completely memorized, I would come off really stiff. I know lots of people can use scripts, though!
I know for me that if I tried to read from a script or deliver something that is completely memorized, I would come off really stiff. I know lots of people can use scripts, though!