Screenplay/Script resources?

You should forget about the reel for now, just make film then in a while review and pickout the good stuff. I am crippled creatively every time I think to myself, 'right colin, time to make something good' maybe its not like that for you, idk.

Speaking of film, what sort of style and genre are you into?
I agree. It's a bit tricky for me, I've only been living here for a couple of years, the only people I've met who are into the same things are quite far away, if I want to shoot something with more than just me in it, I have to have an established idea to make the travel worth it ^^. But yea I'll be doing some various things during these few months I'll have. As for styles, I don't really have a prefered one yet, I'l keeping my mind open :p for genres, I'm more into drama and thrillers, think Midnight Express and Jean De Florette.

Something on stories; I don't find it too tricky to come up with general ideas, but coming up with ideas that happen where I'm located, that are achievable on a small budget and generally possible to do is what I find tricky ^^. What about yourself?
I spent the last ten years trying not to write Ben hur sized space epics with cities and junk being destroyed left right and centre, I have arrived at a place where human journeys have become interesting to me and have started to write in more down to earth situations. I said a long time ago,nwhen I first realised what the problem was that by the time I was "ready" to be a writer I would be able to write about two people sitting on a sofa and make it compelling without aliens and explosions and OTT characters.

I get where you are coming from and I can only say this, don't work with friends, advertise on Gumtree and get a group of strangers, preferably pay them too. I know that sounds odd, but if a stranger agrees to do something even for as low as a tenner he is obliged to come through and if he doesn't then you can at least say, 'I paid you so...'

If you work with friends and they give you less than 100 percent and they suck then, potentially, you have a friendship ending situation on your hands.

By strangers I mean ppl you meet and develop trust with, like don't go giving money to ransoms.

Once you have a film all planned out, and I mean down to the metaphoric use of colour pallette, advertise for people, you might be surprised, you might get a serial rapist, but you might be surprised.
I spent the last ten years trying not to write Ben hur sized space epics with cities and junk being destroyed left right and centre, I have arrived at a place where human journeys have become interesting to me and have started to write in more down to earth situations. I said a long time ago,nwhen I first realised what the problem was that by the time I was "ready" to be a writer I would be able to write about two people sitting on a sofa and make it compelling without aliens and explosions and OTT characters.

I get where you are coming from and I can only say this, don't work with friends, advertise on Gumtree and get a group of strangers, preferably pay them too. I know that sounds odd, but if a stranger agrees to do something even for as low as a tenner he is obliged to come through and if he doesn't then you can at least say, 'I paid you so...'

If you work with friends and they give you less than 100 percent and they suck then, potentially, you have a friendship ending situation on your hands.

By strangers I mean ppl you meet and develop trust with, like don't go giving money to ransoms.

Once you have a film all planned out, and I mean down to the metaphoric use of colour pallette, advertise for people, you might be surprised, you might get a serial rapist, but you might be surprised.
Good advice! Luckily my friend pool is small, and not people I'd work with. Many people tend to want to write the next big blockbuster movie, but good luck getting it picked up or even producing it yourself. I'll try and get my brain into gear :)
I'll more than likely give gumtree a try, good way to reach out to people!
Even if I don't manage to make something in the next few months for some reason, I'll still get some work experience/intern ships.
God, if there is one thing the world doesn't need its another blockbuster movie. There's a massive downward trend in movie originality going on!
I want to write simple compelling stories, like everyday stuff.
God, if there is one thing the world doesn't need its another blockbuster movie. There's a massive downward trend in movie originality going on!
I want to write simple compelling stories, like everyday stuff.
Very true!