Same CPM Across all MCN?

MCN really share the same CPM default by Google?

The vast majority of channels have ads served by Adsense, not MCN's.

A channel's CPM is determined by the viewer (location, language spoken, age, etc).

Even if a channel was getting premium ads from the network, it is probably only 15% or less, and the rest are Adsense.
MCN all share the same CPM, unless you had 100k sub and above ( for their ad sales team )

I know this isnt the main point of your thread but I just wanted to let you know that not all MCNs require 100k subscribers for them to sell direct sold ads on your channel, Creative Nation offers direct sold ads AFAIK on channels with over 2 million views per month.
I know this isnt the main point of your thread but I just wanted to let you know that not all MCNs require 100k subscribers for them to sell direct sold ads on your channel, Creative Nation offers direct sold ads AFAIK on channels with over 2 million views per month.
2 mil views per month is still a huge number though...
The vast majority of channels have ads served by Adsense, not MCN's.

A channel's CPM is determined by the viewer (location, language spoken, age, etc).

Even if a channel was getting premium ads from the network, it is probably only 15% or less, and the rest are Adsense.

Your channel is a pretty big, great work! I wanted to ask you, did you ever received a premium ads from your Network ? I'm back to the question about an ad sales team.
Your channel is a pretty big, great work! I wanted to ask you, did you ever received a premium ads from your Network ? I'm back to the question about an ad sales team.

When I was with Fullscreen, they did not provide ads for my channel. I was top 20 in monthly views of the entire network when they had 25,000 members. Now, I am solo and not interested in any network deals and still doing 10 million views a month.
When I was with Fullscreen, they did not provide ads for my channel. I was top 20 in monthly views of the entire network when they had 25,000 members. Now, I am solo and not interested in any network deals and still doing 10 million views a month.

Thanks for your feedback! That's what I thought about. Even top Full Screens channel by number of views (!), even then there was no any premium ads, just AdSense types. Good proof that adsale teams mostly is a myth..
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