Running out of games?

A goldmine for free, easy to run games is DigiPen Institute of Technology's website. The students there put up their creations that they've made while studying for a career in game development for free and to get exposure. It's a win-win since you get a fancy new name to play and they get the benefit of free publicity since you're playing their project. It's where I found Perspective which is definitely worth a look.

Oooooh brilliant, I shall have a gander when I get home. :biggrin:
Just did my research, apparently it uses the "unity" engine if that means anything to you haha

Also It is coming on Mac so now you have no excuse :3

I am going to need to get so VERY drunk to play this. Splendid :cool:

Ah the Unity engine, I thought so. Yes that does -- it's where most of these awesome indie games come from hehe.