RPM - CPM and earnings


I've Got It
Hey everyone, I know you're not allowed tell me exact figures and earnings but if you're a RPM partner that HAS BEEN PAID would you be able to give me a close figure or rough figure of your CPM for RPM? I've only been with them for half a month and atm it looks like my cpm would only be scarping $1 per 1000 views :/ and I had been told by my friend also with RPM and from Australia (like myself) that he was earning $5+ pushing $6 per 1000 views :/
It all depends on ads they put on your videos. RPM's CPM isn't locked down on 1$ or 2$ per 1k views,it's more like this : if you have a video that has lots of views,they'll put more expensive ads which equals more money for you.
It matters what adverts you have checked in the claiming options. Personally I have them all checked (apart from 30 second ads) and I'm getting around $3-$7 per 1000 but it goes up and down depending on what adverts RPM put on each of my video :)
It matters what adverts you have checked in the claiming options. Personally I have them all checked (apart from 30 second ads) and I'm getting around $3-$7 per 1000 but it goes up and down depending on what adverts RPM put on each of my video :)
It all depends on ads they put on your videos. RPM's CPM isn't locked down on 1$ or 2$ per 1k views,it's more like this : if you have a video that has lots of views,they'll put more expensive ads which equals more money for you.
thanks for all the comments guys :) but does RPM have a cap for CPM earnings? At what point do you reach max amount of $$ per 1000 views?
thanks for all the comments guys :) but does RPM have a cap for CPM earnings? At what point do you reach max amount of $$ per 1000 views?
again it is totally down to what adverts you get on your video.. Standard Reserved in-stream, Auction Trueview in-stream and reserved display normally make the most as this adas are longer and give the companies that advertise a chance to do video ads. You will just need to look at your ad performance and see whats making you the most but at the end of the day it's all down to what ads RPM and youtube put on your videos :) if you have all the ads checked in claiming options this gives you a higher chance of making more money but videos that are getting more views will generally get more expensive ads put on them because RPM know they're going to make more money off that video :)
Whats the threshold? and thanks for your previous reply as well, big help:)
you will need to read your contract to find out.. most RPM thresholds are $50 and if you don't hit this by the 15th they will save your current amount till the next month.