Royalty Free Music!

Your posting in a thread asking for music sources that are royalty free. Hence the observations. because basically your posting in a thread where people will just take and not ask and give you credit later. That is why michael asked about commercial reuse :). Anyhow as you can see it would be a bad idea for me to touch this because I dont know your terms. ^^
I'm not crazy about credit either. As long as someone tells me they used it, I couldn't care less. Hell! I'd be flattered even if they didn't tell me.
Hey guys,

Great to see people are interested in this.

This might be useful for people. From

Creative Commons

is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright.
CC provides free licenses and other legal tools to mark a creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry. Others can share, remix, and use commercially, depending on the terms the creator chooses.


Lets others copy, distribute, display, and perform a copyrighted work — and derivative works based upon it — but only if they give credit the way the original creator requests.


Lets others copy, distribute, display, and perform a work — and derivative works based upon it — but for non-commercial purposes only.

Share Alike

Allows others to distribute derivative works only under the same license as the original work.

No Derivative Works
Lets others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of a work, and not derivative works based upon it.

I'll update the post now.


--- merged: Jun 27, 2012 at 10:06 PM ---
I'm not crazy about credit either. As long as someone tells me they used it, I couldn't care less. Hell! I'd be flattered even if they didn't tell me.

Elizabeth could I just clarify, are you okay with people using your music as long as they credit you in the description?


if you clearly state the requirements to use in peoples videos they will use it. I tend to not use any music unless the requirements are quite clear I tend to avoid using any music that says "just give me credit" haha. So if you say "your free to use this music in your videos for commercial reuse as long as you give a link back " and define the link people are more apt to use it. If you want to give permission for non commercial reuse to be honest creative commons license is the easiest. I wont dont touch anything without clearly defined parameters eg: can i remix or do i have to use it as is etc etc. If I can't answer those questions I go away lol. In most cases for me I need to have permission to remix commercial reuse is kind of optional in many cases lol.
Do you think I'm clear enough lamb? should I add more?
Do you think I'm clear enough lamb? should I add more?
myself personally I dont touch anything unless people say if i can use it for non commercial use or commercial use. In your case since I know you I would send you a mail but for the passer by I would probably just not touch it. The reason being well one thing is I dont know what your plans in the future are for the music eg: do you intend to pass it through itunes etc etc in which case will youtube get mad at me one day lol. So for me I would also say about if it can be used for commercial reuse or not. the easiest way is to link a creative commons license that is what I do that way everyone is clear since your giving it away free its usually the easiest way to deal with it. For the most part I would pass over yours and anyone else who just asked to be given credit and didnt say how it can be used. Eg half the time I remix stuff or use only a portion . If I want to say sell it in a video on a dvd or put it as part of another free thing is that okay. Like say an intro or outro. :)

so when I look at stuff I look at the following and so do most
1) can i use only part of it or chop it up and add more to it?
2) can use it in some commercial work or no?

for me if i like the music i dont worry about commercial i just remember but i do chop stuff up often hehe
myself personally I dont touch anything unless people say if i can use it for non commercial use or commercial use. In your case since I know you I would send you a mail but for the passer by I would probably just not touch it. The reason being well one thing is I dont know what your plans in the future are for the music eg: do you intend to pass it through itunes etc etc in which case will youtube get mad at me one day lol. So for me I would also say about if it can be used for commercial reuse or not. the easiest way is to link a creative commons license that is what I do that way everyone is clear since your giving it away free its usually the easiest way to deal with it. For the most part I would pass over yours and anyone else who just asked to be given credit and didnt say how it can be used. Eg half the time I remix stuff or use only a portion . If I want to say sell it in a video on a dvd or put it as part of another free thing is that okay. Like say an intro or outro. :)

so when I look at stuff I look at the following and so do most
1) can i use only part of it or chop it up and add more to it?
2) can use it in some commercial work or no?

for me if i like the music i dont worry about commercial i just remember but i do chop stuff up often hehe
Interesting. Well one thing is for sure, these will remain free. It's a promotional tool and gift. I get promotion and they get music, and I also get some pride and joy from it all. lol
Interesting. Well one thing is for sure, these will remain free. It's a promotional tool and gift. I get promotion and they get music, and I also get some pride and joy from it all. lol
its fun whatching as your stuff appears all over the place. I just gave away a bunch of avatars to a project and I always do a double take each time i see them cause its like watching my legacy grow haha in the case of these avatars at an alarmingly exponential rate . In general though yeah I know you I would ask I just when I look at music I want to know if I can chop it up and making something new out of it (very important if you have seen any of my stuff lol) and if i decide I want to turn around and sell whatever it is.. (not really an issue with my videos but in other areas) can I?. I do models and usually my own textures and I resell the models but say I make a house and well damned if i want to make more brick textures with the veritable plethora on the internet already so I check terms carefully before I take. Its just a habit I am in. In your case I would ask if i can chop up your music and make something new out of it and ask you if i can put it on videos with ads if I was going to use it I would ask you via pm first. :)

I have been around too long to know that people rework things years later and what suddenly had no restrictions has restrictions. :)
As someone who grew up with hip-Hop culture, and as a somewhat skilled DJ, I love and adore the arts of remixing, sampling, editing, cutting, mashing, smashing, manipulating, etc...

If you make money off of it, good for you, even if its by chopping up one of my beats, I'm all for it. As love as I get the recognition/credit and a link to my channel I'm good. :)