Review my latest video, what would you do different?


I've Got It

So I am looking for some people to give me their honest thoughts and feedback on my latest video. I find it to be my best video so far and even though I make tutorial series I steadily improve as well!

So give me your brutal and honest thoughts I would really love to hear what you have to say YTtalk!

Stay awesome!

When I look up tutorials on editing I usually either read up on the easiest things like transitions or some effects OR if there's something more difficult, find the shortest video possible that sounds okay. I wouldn't say that the first half minute was neccessary, that's more like a vlog'ish thing to update your viewers but if you're doing a tutorial, it's better to show the result pretty much when the video starts and then start a project from scratch.
Also, maybe not add your webcam footage while editing, that can kinda get in the way altough you moved it thankfully.
Also there are programs that show your button presses on screen so that actually helps the viewer a lot if you plan to keep on doing tutorials.
What I liked is that you explain at the end why the transition is necessary and where to use it and also that you included a link to your project.
I have been editing for a while now so probably not the best judge of beginners tutorials but those were just my thoughts.
When I look up tutorials on editing I usually either read up on the easiest things like transitions or some effects OR if there's something more difficult, find the shortest video possible that sounds okay. I wouldn't say that the first half minute was neccessary, that's more like a vlog'ish thing to update your viewers but if you're doing a tutorial, it's better to show the result pretty much when the video starts and then start a project from scratch.
Also, maybe not add your webcam footage while editing, that can kinda get in the way altough you moved it thankfully.
Also there are programs that show your button presses on screen so that actually helps the viewer a lot if you plan to keep on doing tutorials.
What I liked is that you explain at the end why the transition is necessary and where to use it and also that you included a link to your project.
I have been editing for a while now so probably not the best judge of beginners tutorials but those were just my thoughts.


Awesome reply thank you so much. I'm going to break it down and my reasons. (Not defending myself I just need to map it out for myself as well)
  1. My videos are very short and very simple, so that's nice that I got those down.
    • On the other hand I would rank better with longer videos, but really I do this so that the viewer can learn, awesome thanks for that feedback!
  2. Yeah I know I was thinking if I would include it or not, but decided to do so because I always get to the point immediately and I also show off the product if I don't include it in some other way.
    • On the other hand I would probably gain more by just skipping right to the tutorial from now on.
  3. The webcam, this I have to defend sadly, I add the face cam so that my viewers can get to know me and get used to seeing me, I really want to interact with my viewers and let them know that I am a human and love to develop a personality that my viewers likes! (Also it's original, don't see many tutorials with face-cam out there.
    • On the other hand, it can get in the way sometimes yes, but I will make sure that in future projects I either make it smaller or place it at a convenient place, but I need the face cam so that I can interact with my users. Are you still reading? ;)
  4. Thank you for the button thing I'll look it up, I tried before I started making tutorials but now I am dedicated to find it!
    • On the other hand, I always make it clear what I am pressing on my keyboard and add a text below and explain what it does. But I'll try the software out. By the way are you still reading?
  5. Thank you for saying that part about when I explain stuff, I really want the viewer to know why they should add this effect and try to distinguish when it's a good time.

Thank you for the review, really helpful!


Awesome reply thank you so much. I'm going to break it down and my reasons. (Not defending myself I just need to map it out for myself as well)
  1. My videos are very short and very simple, so that's nice that I got those down.
    • On the other hand I would rank better with longer videos, but really I do this so that the viewer can learn, awesome thanks for that feedback!
  2. Yeah I know I was thinking if I would include it or not, but decided to do so because I always get to the point immediately and I also show off the product if I don't include it in some other way.
    • On the other hand I would probably gain more by just skipping right to the tutorial from now on.
  3. The webcam, this I have to defend sadly, I add the face cam so that my viewers can get to know me and get used to seeing me, I really want to interact with my viewers and let them know that I am a human and love to develop a personality that my viewers likes! (Also it's original, don't see many tutorials with face-cam out there.
    • On the other hand, it can get in the way sometimes yes, but I will make sure that in future projects I either make it smaller or place it at a convenient place, but I need the face cam so that I can interact with my users. Are you still reading? ;)
  4. Thank you for the button thing I'll look it up, I tried before I started making tutorials but now I am dedicated to find it!
    • On the other hand, I always make it clear what I am pressing on my keyboard and add a text below and explain what it does. But I'll try the software out. By the way are you still reading?
  5. Thank you for saying that part about when I explain stuff, I really want the viewer to know why they should add this effect and try to distinguish when it's a good time.
Thank you for the review, really helpful!


True, your video actually was short since 3 minutes isn't at all in YouTube time.
I guess I can see how you meant the webcam for interaction with the audience and it is indeed pretty unique thing that you don't see it often.
I only follow one other video tutorial Youtuber and he's name is ECAbrams, he does After Effects tutorials and really well. Opens up with some funny commentary, shows off the effect and then starts to make it. I would recommend checking out atleast one video from him(you might learn some other tips to improve your videos)
And you do have some "interesting" ways to attract new people. Quality wise, they are pretty good.
I love sony vegas!

Anyways if i really was heading to this tutorial to learn this I would be annoyed. All tutorials annoy me when they explain something that I am already aware of just by reading the title. More salt in the wound you shove a 1070 in my face ( all i got is two 960's so it might almost compare.. maybe)

Now all of these factors wouldnt stop me from watching the video as it is professionally done and pleasing to watch. You didnt stumble through your dialogue, and I cant tell if your naturally that good at speaking improv or if you wrote out what you wanted to say, either way it worked.
The pip moving left to right was a nice touch aswell

Move the quad sli 1080TI showcases to the end, as well as closing thoughts/everything you did in the beginning.

Everything is solid here
I love sony vegas!

Anyways if i really was heading to this tutorial to learn this I would be annoyed. All tutorials annoy me when they explain something that I am already aware of just by reading the title. More salt in the wound you shove a 1070 in my face ( all i got is two 960's so it might almost compare.. maybe)

Now all of these factors wouldnt stop me from watching the video as it is professionally done and pleasing to watch. You didnt stumble through your dialogue, and I cant tell if your naturally that good at speaking improv or if you wrote out what you wanted to say, either way it worked.
The pip moving left to right was a nice touch aswell

Move the quad sli 1080TI showcases to the end, as well as closing thoughts/everything you did in the beginning.

Everything is solid here

Now that's some awesome feedback thank you man!
I am a bit unsure of what you mean in the beginning, I try to make my titles as understandable as I possibly can, so that people don't have to watch a video they tutorial on something they already know how to make.

And yeah well I work a part time job when not in school and I usually sleep about three hours a night, so I kinda guess I deserve that graphics card? :)
Me not stumbling is because I use jump cuts which I have made a tutorial on, basically so I can cut away 4 minutes of footage the viewer shouldn't have to see. (some youtubers actually don't use this).

And no I don't write any scripts I just trial and error at what I am going to say really fast almost like a radio stuck on repeat until I get it right.
Thanks, really helpful feedback!

And from now on I will move the general stuff to after the video is done.


Awesome reply thank you so much. I'm going to break it down and my reasons. (Not defending myself I just need to map it out for myself as well)
  1. My videos are very short and very simple, so that's nice that I got those down.
    • On the other hand I would rank better with longer videos, but really I do this so that the viewer can learn, awesome thanks for that feedback!
  2. Yeah I know I was thinking if I would include it or not, but decided to do so because I always get to the point immediately and I also show off the product if I don't include it in some other way.
    • On the other hand I would probably gain more by just skipping right to the tutorial from now on.
  3. The webcam, this I have to defend sadly, I add the face cam so that my viewers can get to know me and get used to seeing me, I really want to interact with my viewers and let them know that I am a human and love to develop a personality that my viewers likes! (Also it's original, don't see many tutorials with face-cam out there.
    • On the other hand, it can get in the way sometimes yes, but I will make sure that in future projects I either make it smaller or place it at a convenient place, but I need the face cam so that I can interact with my users. Are you still reading? ;)
  4. Thank you for the button thing I'll look it up, I tried before I started making tutorials but now I am dedicated to find it!
    • On the other hand, I always make it clear what I am pressing on my keyboard and add a text below and explain what it does. But I'll try the software out. By the way are you still reading?
  5. Thank you for saying that part about when I explain stuff, I really want the viewer to know why they should add this effect and try to distinguish when it's a good time.
Thank you for the review, really helpful!


True, your video actually was short since 3 minutes isn't at all in YouTube time.
I guess I can see how you meant the webcam for interaction with the audience and it is indeed pretty unique thing that you don't see it often.
I only follow one other video tutorial Youtuber and he's name is ECAbrams, he does After Effects tutorials and really well. Opens up with some funny commentary, shows off the effect and then starts to make it. I would recommend checking out atleast one video from him(you might learn some other tips to improve your videos)
And you do have some "interesting" ways to attract new people. Quality wise, they are pretty good.

Holy moly that's some really awesome tips! I will definitely check him out, the only thing I find disturbing when I make videos is that I'm not a fluent speaker and that makes it so though to know if people can understand the tutorials well or not.

Anyway thank you for your comments they really help!

Kevin (The attractioneer)
Now that's some awesome feedback thank you man!
I am a bit unsure of what you mean in the beginning
0:00 - 0:39 the beginning - in other words before the tutorial starts

And from now on I will move the general stuff to after the video is done.
Basically my main complaint resolved here ( but in one sentence xD )

Tutorial >> Closing comments and notes >> 4 way SLI 1080TI showcase
0:00 - 0:39 the beginning - in other words before the tutorial starts

Basically my main complaint resolved here ( but in one sentence xD )

Tutorial >> Closing comments and notes >> 4 way SLI 1080TI showcase

Hehe, yeah!
I only slept 2 hours this night so I sadly couldn't find myself to record a tutorial and try my new plan out but whatever. I'll try to do it tomorrow..

i'd mostly agree with what was already said above! i personally would have clicked out the tutorial due to it taking too long to get started, and i found the webcam footage super distracting. i found the extra movement on the screen was taking away from watching what you were actually trying to teach. i think that your personality will come through with your commentary which will set you apart as i find that a lot of tutorial videos feature no commentary or a really dull, monotone voice.