Review my channel? I will do the same for you!


New Member
Hey all! I was wondering if I could get some people to look at my channel. I mostly do vlogs (you're already like eww huh?) but I believe that I do them in an entertaining manner.
I find it very hard to promote my videos, and I use to always post them as video responses to Tobuscus/Toby Turner (he has open video responses), but I kept getting negatively compared to him. I'm not trying to copy anyone, yes I do like him, but I'm just who I am.
I may be a little cuckoo for coca-puffs every now and then, but it's who I am at my core, I find life is too short to be concerned with haters. Here is a sample video, but I would also like it if you went to my channel and clicked around!

Thank you to anyone kind enough to respond!