Review my channel for a free cookie..everyone loves cookies!

I'm will attempt to try it out. I'm not an actor, but I guess that's the beauty of Youtube. How do promote your videos? I started using Reddit a little bit, but its not the greatest for getting views if your not on the front page. Maybe I'll commit a crime to get my name out in the public. I was planning on doing it anyway if I became an artist, so I might as well. What should I do:

1) Commit a break an enter at Toy's are Us for light sabers and attempt to subdue the cops with the force?
2) Steal candy from a baby and give it to homeless (Robin Hood type of crime)
3) Flash spectators with my p***s, painted green, while yelling "Hulk Smash"

This would probably get me some good publicity, although jail time limits my video production.
you will be surprised what you can accomplish when you just try, and you've got a GREAT personality. I would have told you my whole life "I'm a musician, I can't act, I don't make comedy sketches" I would have ALWAYS said that, but when I decided to make videos I just thought "I don't want my channel to be just a music channel, I want to entertain in every way" and it started small, me talking to cookie monster and making a fake POF profile, but the more I did it, and the more my confidence grew, my scripts started getting more involved, my performances started taking more emotion and acting to pull off (the babysitter for example) and I look back now and I'm like "wow, I guess I was always capable of this I just didn't know it" Makes me sad I haven't been doing it for years.

Oh and as far as time goes, I'm not entirely sure, but I think I'm somewhere in between 2 and 3 months, maybe 2 and a half months? Maybe a little more than that?