Revenue Increase after February 20th

Hello everyone!

I know the new YPP requirements affected a lot of people, and I am truly sorry for all the creators that lost monetization.

But since the decrease in the amount of partners, Ive seen a large Increase in my monthly revenue.

My CPM, RPM doesnt seem to have been affected, but the amount of ads I get now per view is crazy!

I know this probably makes sense because less creators = more ads to go around. But I was wondering if anyone else has seen this happen? And Im curious to see what kind of content are seeing an Increase in adds. In my case, it's gaming tutorials.

And Ive also seen a significant Increase in views, but that must be something to do with my niche.

No change for me on my tech channel.
Earnings so far went 30% up after February 20th (with constant views).
Still have to see whether it was a coincidence or whether there really is a positive long term effect.
You are so naive. Look the CPM, it didn't change. BIGGEST JOKE!!! I knew it. Youtube doesn't want to share the money. Youtube Money is going to Premium Monetization like Logan Paul, Pewdiepie, Vevo, etc.

You should realize that this whole ad stuff was never the most stable or even lucrative means of income, to begin with, right? I would say its more naive to assume it was and just throw blame at some of the bigger channels disturbing things on the site.

I used to make around $20 a month so if I get remonitized eventually we’ll see if it gets bumped up! :D