Request request help.. new banner

Of course, il have it done by tomorrow max!
great! I can not thank you enough would you like a picture of me or is it just minor details? you can always go to my channel/video(bc my avatar is a baby pic) just for reference btw i subbed nice videos
great! I can not thank you enough would you like a picture of me or is it just minor details? you can always go to my channel/video(bc my avatar is a baby pic) just for reference btw i subbed nice videos
Haha thanks a lot for the sub :D And no that will not be necessary, il be watching your videos for reference XP (BTW your video with you doing the dubstep beatbox is really funny XD)
And your welcome :)
great! I can not thank you enough would you like a picture of me or is it just minor details? you can always go to my channel/video(bc my avatar is a baby pic) just for reference btw i subbed nice videos
And it is done my friend, hope it looks better now XP

And it is done my friend, hope it looks better now XP


hello everybody,

I have already enter this forum because I like this image a lot ^_^
I upload my youtube channel, and I want if possible to use it with some little changes ;)

Is it possible to have the source file?

WispMetas you are an artist, I like it very much ;)

Thank you in advance!