Request for questions for upcoming Q&A

What are your plans for the summer?
If you could play any game on your channel, what would it be?
Favourite gaming memory?
Is there a film you would recommend to everyone to watch?
Most creative gift you've given/recieved?
What do you think aliens look like?

If you could talk to only one kind of animal, what would it be?

What did they do with the bullet that killed Bin Laden??
Thank you guys so much for all your questions. The video is up, for those of you curious to see which questions I answered, it is in my signature. Big thanks again guys
If you want to know something or have a question you're always welcome to toss me a pm or a comment on youtube, probably shouldn't spam this thread further. And thank you! I'll stick with I'm the child of a starkosaurus, which makes me a starkosaurus...totally <.< >.>