Render while you edit!

I only found out about this maybe 5 videos in! It saves so much time as I used to just wait for the rendering to be complete and then reedit.
I render over night and during the day when I'm not at home, so rendering times are not issue for me, but the idea is good nevertheless. I wasn't even aware that you could have multiple instances of SV (many programs don't allow/like that).
I render over night and during the day when I'm not at home, so rendering times are not issue for me, but the idea is good nevertheless. I wasn't even aware that you could have multiple instances of SV (many programs don't allow/like that).
Yeah, I do that sometimes.
I just right click on SV in my taskbar and then open up a new one.
If you have a powerful might work.

But if your computer is not that strong and you don't have another computer, this will cause a lot of issues. One example would be too much lag and the possibility of your computer crashing.

If your computer can handle it then give it a try but if not, I suggest, while you're rendering, why not shoot your next videos or think up of ideas for your next uploads? XD
Depending on the hardware of your system you will struggle and eventually kill your system doing this.
I've already burnt out my old processor and Mobo do renders and done a full upgrade to an i7 processor and won't edit whilst a video render. It's just calling for your PC to die
My computer can barely handle rendering a 3 minute still image.

I don't think I could handle multitasking that :P
My computer will crash if I sneeze at it while it's rendering, so rendering time = lunchtime for me! ^^;;;

Although, it would be handy to open multiple programs and get more stuff done. I like the batch rendering idea, and maybe I'll try that if/when I get a new computer. (=