Recording Multiple Videos On The Same Day...

Record as many as you like, but don't overload your subs with too many videos, maybe upload one a day or every other day, but there is nothing wrong with have some to fall back on :)

In line with this, yet entirely different, don't overload yourself. The last thing you want to do is lay in your bed at the end of day, and just think of how drained you are.

As with all things, take it in stride. Personally, I've never understood how people film and edit daily. Filming I'm fine with. Editing daily would make me want to run headfirst into a brick wall.

Go at a comfortable pace for you. Also, I'd like to reinforce the idea of giving a day or two between videos, so as to not overload your subs.
Recording multiple videos in a day is great, especially if you've found a groove. If you're feeling "on" and particularly funny/witty/insightful, keep filming! The same goes for editing: you'll probably be more efficient filming one day and editing the next, rather than filming>editing>filming>editing, switching gears back and forth. But I could be wrong. Find the system that works for you.

Just make sure you're happy with the performance you're giving, and don't exhaust yourself to a point where you can't bring yourself to edit those vids in a timely fashion. :)
If you are doing a series and you record the whole thing in one night and you dont want to upload them all in one night, or you just want to have couple of videos to fall back on then upload the first episode normally and then upload the other ones under "Scheduled" upload, that way your video is on youtube its just up to you when to make it public
I don't see why not, I do this a lot! This is especially helpful if you have a schedule you stick to, as you have a lot of videos prepared so you don't have to worry about not having a video ready!
I always have a hard time giving useful commentary when I record multiple videos a day. Like I am afraid my subscribers will notice it has been recorded in a short amount of time.
I think it depends (as do many things on YT). If your videos are time sensitive (news, new content, etc) then it is certainly ok to upload more than 1 a day. If not, then 1 a day should be the goal.
I think it's a pretty good thing to have because you never know what could happen I used one I had edited 3 days ago because something tragic happened and I just couldn't record. So all in all yeah record :D just space the uploads in my opinion <3 Happy recording !!! :giggle: