Recording Multiple Videos On The Same Day...


s h o o k e t h
Is this a good idea? For example, I have 4 videos lined up to be recorded tonight, and then uploaded as the days go by (might upload 2 a day), while recording more videos every night. I guess this is just me wanting to have some extra videos to fall back on, just in case I can't record one day (yesterday). Anyway, is this a good idea? Or should I just record one video a day? :)
you only got 10 subs just upload it

later on if you don't want to lose subs, on videos that are sort of a series you can use the don't notify subscriber button. i do this a lot for my let's plays now and you knwo i don't lose as many subs uploading 5-10 videos back to back anymore :)
Having videos backlogged is a wonderful idea. Someday something unforeseen will happen. Your computer could break, your grandma could die, anything really. So having videos to fall back on is the safest thing you can do.
I'd say record as many as you want, but try and upload only one per day max. That way you can spread 'em out, and will have videos lined up to go in case your every busy. Undoubtedly, you're not going to keep up the pace of recording multiple videos a day, so just spread them out.
In my opinion it's a great way to go, I've got a couple different series' being recorded right now and uploading one episode of each perday
Whatever floats your boat, dude! I personally can't usually even do one video a day! Only if i'm just editing a video one day and uploading it will i be able to do a video the next day! I make quality videos so that isn't an option.
It definitely is a good thing to have many of your videos recorded previously before they are uploaded. I don't know that I would upload them as frequently as 2 per day though. At most, one per day, but even that may be a little much. I'd say maybe 2 or 3 a week and pick those 2 or 3 days a week then advertise to your subscribers what days you will be uploading. Then you can go ahead and upload them, but don't choose to keep it as a public video. Choose the scheduled option so that the video is put out on a certain day or time. To answer your question though, it definitely is a good thing to prepare your videos early! Hope that helped! :D
To be honest thats what i do i record all in one day then upload them all today ive done like 4 but they should be uploading soon