
The best things to rant about are things or issues that happen in your life. it will come off more passionate then things we can ever offer. Most of the cartoons I do on my channel are from real situations either from me or friends
I want to do a vid about something that every one likes to rant about, but there are so many I don't know what to choose.

So if you were going to watch my vid what would you most like me to rant about :p ?

please fire suggestions at me :) ! <3

I'm also making a rant video mine will be about how annoying new couples can be.
Idk if that will spark you creativity side lol. What about someone wearing the same outfit as you? idk.
Rant about Vince Russo's booking! :banghead:
Your mum wasn't ranting about my booking last night. :smug: Let's just say I booked her into a 'on a pole' match as well.

:confused: I'm sorry, I saw the opportunity and I took it.

Here's another ranting video topic for you OP: The United Kingdom, France, and @Crown.
I ranted about turn signals in one video. you should weigh in on that! I cant tell if this was a just me thing or if it is universal.

That might also be a good subcategory for rants... the "Is it just me or..." sort of thing...