I'm a dude with a face and I know how to use it.
Oh oh oh!!! I know one that pisses ME off SO much, and this is forum related. It hasn't happened in a while but I've seen this happen at least 10 times since I've been a part of this community. Some dude will come in here who has like 10,000 subscribers, he will leave one post and it will say something like "I have 10,000 subs and my channel gets x amount of views a day, help me get to the top and share my videos!!!" As if we're gonna go "Oh man! He's already almost famous! All we gotta do is share his videos! Come on guys! SHARE EM!!" Man that makes me mad... we had one I had a field day with. I think I said something to the effect of "I feel like a millionaire just walked into a poor town and asked the peasants for money" yeah, that REALLY pisses me off.