Did you guys have to talk to the store to get them to send free food to review on your channel? Who solicited the offer is what I'm wanting to know.
I'd imagine that would be a factor on whether or not in considering this sponsored content.
If they just came across your channel and sent it to you then I don't think they would be a sponsor. But I'm not noticing a po box on your channel so I think you would have to disclose at least that much to set this up. Then again the Philippines could have a parcel system to Canada.
I bought a Canadian friend something off Amazon ca once and he could just pick it up at the CVS I chose to sent it too. So if that was actually true then it could be true that they just sent you the food out of the blue AND told you where to pick it up.
Either way just be upfront about the situation. If you came in soliciting them & giving them your address then that's worth mentioning or just calling it sponsored content. You used the sway of your channel to get some content sponsored if that was the case.
I know some film students who used advertising on their movie posters when they had a screening to get free catering offered to a day of their shoot. They were considered sponsors. The restaurant didN'T give them any money, just the service of catering. They were still considered sponsors BECAUSE the film students solicited the restaurant with the offer.
So if you solicited them and it paid off, it's pretty much sponsored content. If they solicited you then maybe it's not sponsored content but it sure is worth being up front with your audience & the FTC.