Public pranks?

How would a prank have a positive effect in someone's life? I honestly don't know of any pranks that are like that.

Well there is a prank were a police stops someone for driving too slow and being a perfect driver. The police writes out a ticket (fake ticket) and with it was a 100 Dollar Bill! The Driver of the car gets to keep the 100 Dollars! :D

Here is the link to that video: watch?v=ZJ91qt7-brU
Those positive pranks look great, but I have no money to actually do them haha. I might try them in the future, but for now I'll stick to the horse mask seeing as I also got some friends on board to help.
While i do enjoy public prank videos, we need more people drenching themselves in vaseline and pretending they're slugs.
Go ahead and do it man, it's gonna be great! I still wanna buy a full medieval suit of armour and walk on the streets wearing it to see people's reaction xD.
I think a lot of pranks are getting crazy and stupid lately. It’s not even Pranks anymore it’s more like challenges you would see on Viva La Bam and the Dudesons. Find something classy to do. Don't try to outdo other Pranksters either. Due to my sadistic nature I enjoy watching people get the pants scared off of them but that’s just me. Do pranks you would like to see and that make you laugh or that you find interesting. Don't get ahead of yourself and start making prank videos if you don't have Ideas for them either. Also do not set up and fake your pranks. A lot of people are being exposed right now for having paid actors and staging their pranks to pass them off as real. I won't go into detail but it’s like some of these Pranksters think the audience is downright dumb, that or they are too lazy to pay or find someone else they haven’t already used in their videos or someone else's videos.