Premiere Pro CS6 Help


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I've tried searching and as usual I think my google searching skills are bad but I'm trying to find out if it's possible for me to select a portion of a video clip in a sequence along with any additional clips or audio, without having to use the razor tool to cut the portion I want and then copy and pasting that portion somewhere else?
By chance is this similar to after affects? Im a Sony Vegas user. I have had AE and I find Vegas is easier and more user friendly.
By chance is this similar to after affects? Im a Sony Vegas user. I have had AE and I find Vegas is easier and more user friendly.
Sort of similar but they both do different things. I wanted to convert to Vegas but I didn't want to risk relearning something and also in case of missing features as Premiere has more than Vegas from what I've heard. I find Premiere is fairly simple for cutting, adding audio and simple text and even small effects lol Just the learning curve with Premiere is a bit higher. I guess that's what I get for choosing something more studio grade >.> So far I can't find an obvious option to select portions of a clip without cutting though.
Ahhh ok I havn't seen alot of basic tutorials on how to use it. And even saying that im not sure Vegas can do that either. Hmmm quite the situation....
Ahhh ok I havn't seen alot of basic tutorials on how to use it. And even saying that im not sure Vegas can do that either. Hmmm quite the situation....
Bummer. Well normally for movie productions people use premiere to cut and nothing but that and then usually use AE to do the rest (at least that's how I was taught in multimedia). But I can't live preview things as I work on them with AE as it has to render the preview THEN play it for me and even then it does it without sound until I use the RAM preview feature, if I edit any of the sequence in AE it has to re-render that part lol But if anyone else knows how I can do it that would be great. Or if anyone could tell me whether it can be done or not as well.
Mark your in and out on the timeline (right click on the time bar above the timeline, mark in/mark out for the bounds of the section you want). Then select all of your video/audio tracks that you want to be a part of the copy paste (video 1, video 2, video 3, audio 1, audio 2, etc on the left bar of the timeline). This will visibly show on your timeline as a transparent blue section. Copy, paste.
Mark your in and out on the timeline (right click on the time bar above the timeline, mark in/mark out for the bounds of the section you want). Then select all of your video/audio tracks that you want to be a part of the copy paste (video 1, video 2, video 3, audio 1, audio 2, etc on the left bar of the timeline). This will visibly show on your timeline as a transparent blue section. Copy, paste.
I think I'm doing something wrong, I mark the in and out point on the timeline, but when I select the video and audio I want it just copies and pastes the whole track not the in and out point.
You're selecting the individual items within the sequence. You need to select the entire video/audio lines you want to copy on the bar just to the left of the timeline itself.
It's not giving me anything, I'm able to select the entire lines by clicking on the layers? and once I do they're highlighted white and it shows the transparent blue sections like you said, but then how do I select just that section? It keeps selecting the entire clip if I try to drag a box and when I click the layers it just shows the blue sections and copy and paste does nothing as it won't let me copy anything. I'm trying to google it now to see if there's something I'm doing wrong but people keep showing how to do it from the source panel not from the timeline.

EDIT: All of a sudden it's working :confused: wtf, well not gonna complain when it's working, thanks for your help xD Also found a lift and extract option which seems like it will come in handy when using In and Out points. Thanks.

EDIT: And just my luck it stopped working again...-.-
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I just place my play marker at the point I want to cut, use the slice tool and then copy my footage. Works okay for me, although the steps listed above will be a tiny bit faster, but haven't tried out that method yet.