potetogunso: Sgt. Potato| Good name, *pop* OR NAH?!

I've been trying to make a channel for a year, every name is just... nah. I personally don't think it's a cod name, I like it, and I think I'll stick with it. It's nice :3 admit it. Potatoes = beautiful
If you want to stick with it, thats good for you, but you did ask for feedback on that name, and i am agreeing with the others, sounds very much like a CoD channel, and if thats what it sounds like to the majority here, thats probably what is going to come out as on youtube imo.
sgt. potato made me laugh, but it makes me kinda unsure about what videos you will be putting out, probably gaming i would think
Maybe your first middle last initials and then your category.
Ex. If your name is Billy Bob Jay and it was a gaming channel, then BBJ Gaming!