Posting to my facebook friends?!


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Ok, so basically i heard that by sharing your videos with your friends on Facebook it increases your views and they may show there friends etc. etc. But I'm really scared to!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if they think my videos are seriously bad and laugh at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you think I should do???
If youre not comfortable with the idea you have three choices, try and not be bothered about it as much and do it or just not bother showing them at all. You could also show only a select few the videos but they could share them any way :D I think showing them your videos shows confidence if anything and is only a good thing unless you speak about things you wouldn't want them to hear or do something you wouldn't want them seeing then it could be a bad decision. Good luck with whatever you decide to do :up:
If youre not comfortable with the idea you have three choices, try and not be bothered about it as much and do it or just not bother showing them at all. You could also show only a select few the videos but they could share them any way :D I think showing them your videos shows confidence if anything and is only a good thing unless you speak about things you wouldn't want them to hear or do something you wouldn't want them seeing then it could be a bad decision. Good luck with whatever you decide to do :up:

Okay, Thanks for the help :)
  1. i always post mine on fb
  2. unfortunatly i am male therfore have no interest to any of my shovanistic friends and as for the girls... well ....
  3. your videos, if you think their good and people watch em and feel the same, There good :)
  4. dont be scared if anything bad comes off it your friends obviously arent friends at all :)
  1. i always post mine on fb
  2. unfortunatly i am male therfore have no interest to any of my shovanistic friends and as for the girls... well ....
  3. your videos, if you think their good and people watch em and feel the same, There good :)
  4. dont be scared if anything bad comes off it your friends obviously arent friends at all :)

Thanks :)
no problem, think this way. Anyone who hates on someone who actually makes good content is just jelous and a s****y human being
I'd say post them anyway, be genuine and just let people know that you're making videos for fun. I had serious issues with posting mine on facebook but after I did eventually pluck up the courage, people didn't react badly to it at all. And even then, if someone did tell me my videos were bad, I'd say "Alright, well tell me how I can make them better!"
If anything, it's an avenue to shares comments and views, and ALSO a great way to gain constructive criticism. Post them (:
I'd say post them anyway, be genuine and just let people know that you're making videos for fun. I had serious issues with posting mine on facebook but after I did eventually pluck up the courage, people didn't react badly to it at all. And even then, if someone did tell me my videos were bad, I'd say "Alright, well tell me how I can make them better!"
If anything, it's an avenue to shares comments and views, and ALSO a great way to gain constructive criticism. Post them :)

Thanks for the advice :) I think I will post my favourite video of mine :D
DANG IT! everything i wanted to say everyone else said haha..but yea heed all there advice If you love making your videos post them! even if they do make fun of it at the start they will likely stop cause they see how much you enjoy what you do... so yea!
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DANG IT! everything i wanted to say everyone else said haha..but yea heed all there advice If you love making your videos post them! even if they do make fun of it at the start they will likely stop cause they see how much you enjoy what you do... so yea!

Lol :D Thanks for the advice :)