Post your best video!

I dont really have a best video .. :/ but this is my most recent video :D

Well, i think my speedart videos are th best :) You can check them out and comment or like, if you like it :)

Subscribe to my channel if you like it please :)
Takecare! Peace x
nice speed art ! would you be able to make me one if i gave you the pic ?? would i be able to put it on my tshirts if u did ? would it be free :P
Well, I like to think that I improve on my video making for each day, so obviously I would say my latest video. Also my channel is mostly gaming because it's a gaming channel, so hard to pick the 'best'.

My most viewed video is a candy crush video (because it's a popular game but the video is boring):

My personal best scary-face moment is in this video:

I also tend to like my 'milestone' videos and other special videos because I get the chance to do something else other than gaming. My latest video currently is a milestone video too so please check it out! :)

Latest milestone video: