Gaming Post For Post? ) I have 800+ Subs, 500+ Views per day!

What's the point? Just create a shout-out video for each other and use annotations. :|

It's almost like that lame "hacking" game that wee 8-14 year olds on YouTube would do. They'd exchange passwords with each-other. Log into each-others accounts, then upload a video on to that account they've "hacked" and say "I hacked your account"
So many haters... I've heard about this and it's the most powerful form of collaboration from what I hear. It's better than saying "their content is good" you can see it for yourself. It doesn't even have to be a full vid, even handing off mid vid to let the other person explain something, show one of their clips whatever. You see a lot of the seo guys do it and obviously they know what they're on about
I think you would have to collaborate a little more than just post for post. I mean, I've seen similar stuff done well, but you would have to play each other's game or both be in it or... something. Otherwise, your subs will probably see through it.
The only way this idea even works if both of the channels have similar content, so if say two gaming channels did this they both could call it "Weekly feature a friend Episode" and both potentially get views, good luck with your idea but I really doubt anyone who doesn't know you on a personal level will do this, sorry