Popular channel 'Nerdsynch' to cancel whole series because of a copywright strike.

i'm just not heavily active, i only come in when i wanna collab and i don't have anyone to collab with really
If you can get the podcast elsewhere, I don't really see the problem here... They're avoiding the risk of their channel being removed, that's a reasonable response from someone making money from Youtube.
it's in the gossip thread and the copywright strikes thread, I feel it fits in both of those threads so i posted it in both of them
Hi there, we don't allow duplicate threads. So I will merge these two together. Normally I would delete one, but other people have replied. Also, it stays in the Copyright section, thanks.
I think it's an extremely valid reason to stop uploading the podcasts to YouTube. It's within their best interests to make sure they can continue to provide content without a hitch. And what would have happened if that strike wasn't removed? They'd have lost the ability to make revenue and to my understanding the network they're under suffers too, it's not a risk worth taking in anyway what so ever if it's your livelihood at stake. What a stupid, childish and selfish reason to unsubscribe from a channel & to call it a p***y move.
So if one type of episode can't go up on YouTube, then I'd rather just stop uploading all of them." and to me that's very disrespectful to the subscribers. It's like because he doesn't get to do something one way he decided to just stop doing it and pretty much is a f**k the fans I don't like this.

Wow, you sound like a real treasure of a subscriber to have. What over-entitled nonsense. "f**k the fans" because he'd rather do the content that he wants to do, rather than tiptoe around YouTube rules to make YOU happy? Standing your ground on a losing battle is a pretty foolish thing to do, especially when you stand to lose a significant source of revenue like a channel of that size.
I think they were doing what was in the best interest of their buisness. I feel they actually were very smart in discontinuing the series. If I had a series of a game I was doing and I kept getting claims on it, I would stop doing the series. No sense in losing your channel over a series. There are plenty of other ideas out there that wont get your channel deleted. It wasn't spineless or rude, it was smart.
You are not much of a fan if you cant understand why they are going in this direction.

So the popular comic book channel got a copyright strike on a video of one of their podcast that reviewed a movie, this was quickly sorted out and the strike was removed. BUT They decided to no longer upload any of their podcast onto YouTube anymore.

I have gotten a copyright strike before and they suck, but I stood my ground and I didn't give in, after they canceled the podcast series and I tweeted the creator about still uploading the podcast but not reviews he replied " I like to be consistent. So if one type of episode can't go up on YouTube, then I'd rather just stop uploading all of them." and to me that's very disrespectful to the subscribers. It's like because he doesn't get to do something one way he decided to just stop doing it and pretty much is a f**k the fans I don't like this.

I then lost all respect for everyone involved in the creation of content and the channel and unsubscribed.