Poll : Do you want the Dislike button removed?

Do you want the Dislike button removed?

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I don't regard the dislike button as being a furnace my video is thrown into when it's clicked, I view it as being something I need to improve on, BUT I do agree with the above posters when it comes to trolls who just dislike the video and give no feedback at all.

Ratings buttons = A way of the viewer saying if they liked the video or not
Dislike button = Viewer didn't like the video, and because they didn't state what they though was dislikable, the uploader doesn't know what to improve on
Dislike button + Feedback = Viewer disliked the video and gave feedback as to what they didn't like, the uploader gets some idea on what to improve on.

I wouldn't want the dislike buttons removed as it would be a huge bias, it would help if some people (the trolls) weren't so ignorant.
The Facebook style? It makes sense if the objective is to push greater incentive towards interaction (i.e. leave a comment) for people who actively dislike something -- whereas likes promote a sense of no need to say anything. Now it's both ways, of course.

In a way, if we rejected dislikes, we'd need a different interaction for them such as a button that says a video is spam, or has a misleading title/thumbnail, or something similar. While most people use the dislike button just to show that they have no nuanced sense of what's going on (or they're trolls or just jerks) there's a number of videos that legitimately deserve to be disliked because they're bad or manipulative.

Right now, I'd say we keep it; unless there's a different mechanism for "dislike" that enforces a type of interaction that YouTube and the video maker can use to make a better product.
As much fun as it is to use the dislike button on an obnoxious video, I had to cast my vote above in favor of removal.

My thinking really can be summed up by the old saying "there's no such thing as bad publicity". From YouTube's perspective this is especially true. They don't care why you watch a video, only that you're watching the video. You can hate and rage against it all you like, but if you stick through the whole thing that's still better than a video that you close out after 10 seconds.

Though it might not be preferable, the poster of a video might feel the same. Would you rather have a video with 100,000 views with mostly negative comments, or a video with 100 views?

For any other community guideline sort of violations, the report button already has that covered.

EDIT: Closing the video early becomes the new dislike button.
I don't regard the dislike button as being a furnace my video is thrown into when it's clicked, I view it as being something I need to improve on, BUT I do agree with the above posters when it comes to trolls who just dislike the video and give no feedback at all.

Ratings buttons = A way of the viewer saying if they liked the video or not
Dislike button = Viewer didn't like the video, and because they didn't state what they though was dislikable, the uploader doesn't know what to improve on
Dislike button + Feedback = Viewer disliked the video and gave feedback as to what they didn't like, the uploader gets some idea on what to improve on.

I wouldn't want the dislike buttons removed as it would be a huge bias, it would help if some people (the trolls) weren't so ignorant.

I like this idea. Sometimes people will leave feed back related comments in the comments section. If it's constructive them I will leave the comment. If it's something like "I dont like to color of your shirt" and I'm talking about makeup, then I just delete and move on because the comment was just plain old criticism not constructive criticism.
I agree with you completely! It's just used for idiotic trolls and if you don't like a video, just leave a message either in the comments or in their inbox!
I think we should just calm down and learn how to take criticism. Internet people have no obligation to write you a paragraph detailing everything they hate about your video. Maybe they didn't like it, though it was boring, stupid, ugly etc and they just click the dislike button. if you get 2 or 3 dislikes its probably safe to ignore. But If you are getting a lot of dislikes, its probably because your video is either controversial or bad, not because you're being trolled. The dislike feature is absolutely necessary, not only to help me learn what my viewers want to see, but also to help me avoid wasting my time on terrible or misleading videos.

What we also need to understand is that clicking "dislike" does not necessarily mean, "I think this is a bad video." People also click dislike for other reasons, such as not agreeing with the statements made in the video. Or not liking the music used the video. etc. If people were really abusing the Dislike button as much as you guys seem to think, it's something that YouTube would have addressed a long time ago.

Personally, I almost never use the dislike feature, except on videos that misrepresent what they claim to be about.
I think we should just calm down and learn how to take criticism. Internet people have no obligation to write you a paragraph detailing everything they hate about your video. Maybe they didn't like it, though it was boring, stupid, ugly etc and they just click the dislike button. if you get 2 or 3 dislikes its probably safe to ignore. But If you are getting a lot of dislikes, its probably because your video is either controversial or bad, not because you're being trolled. The dislike feature is absolutely necessary, not only to help me learn what my viewers want to see, but also to help me avoid wasting my time on terrible or misleading videos.

What we also need to understand is that clicking "dislike" does not necessarily mean, "I think this is a bad video." People also click dislike for other reasons, such as not agreeing with the statements made in the video. Or not liking the music used the video. etc. If people were really abusing the Dislike button as much as you guys seem to think, it's something that YouTube would have addressed a long time ago.

Personally, I almost never use the dislike feature, except on videos that misrepresent what they claim to be about.

And you need to understand that what happened with your content is not universal and you're not the only one in there.

I was attacked by trolled who used dislike bots on my video, I see a lot of great comments on them coming from newer audience, but the video still got around 80 dislikes via bots. Is it because my video was terrible? Nope. I made my fare share of terrible video, I know when I do something good and when I suck , but when you got a full dislike bar even on popular videos (via comments later on) and then the guy who sells bot emails you saying he is snitching on the guy who payed them because he didn't pay that well, what do you do? Do you reconsider your talent? No, you come to the only good conclusion -> If the dislike system is that easy to game and take advantage of, it doesn't mean anything to keep it on the site and must be replaced by a system that is harder/impossible to game.