Please share more info about "Omnia Media" network

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Thanks again, Fellows, for your replies!

@Uberdanger, thanks a lot for your informative post! That gives much clearer idea to me.

As you partnered with them, you most likely know:

* Are you in control what ads you allow to show on your vids (etc. display ads, true view insteam, standart insteam)? Or Network switches them for you the way they want, neverminding your own choosen preferences?
* Does their monetized views percentage on your vids are higher/lower than Fullscreen?
* Of course I wouldnt ask exact numbers as its probably too personal, but roughly how much Omnia CPM is higher than Fullscreen (in your personal experience)?

p.s. thanks for the clear scheme about the splits (in your personal case you agreed with them) its pretty clear!
1: Yes I am in full control over which ads are shown
2: it's higher than fullscreen, but not by all that much.
3: once again you can't tell this since it's personal per channel, some of my videos have a CPM of around 20, where as others hit a cpm of below 2. Your CPM is very reliant on your channel, more so than your network. I can however say that my CPM is higher.
What is their requirements? 100K views a month
What is their contract length? 5 month trial.
What is their splits? Depends on your channel size. I started at 70/30.
How good is their CPM comparing to other Networks? Very good for me.
I own a YouTube network that would give you a 95/5 revenue share, managed channel status, high CPM, no lock-in contract and 24/7, fast support. If you're even slightly interested in my network, please let me know.
Freedom still don't have adsales, so even with your higher percentage offering he'd still be making more with his current network..
That, and you're not allowed to advertise networks on here so I'd suggest you edit the post x)
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