Righto then, heres me review:
I can understand that it is difficult to record the screen of an iPhone (or any other apple portable device) and so I see your problem with filming. However, the way that you have filmed the screen has made best use of what you have; I definitely agree in the sense of having no light on in the background so that the screen shows up better. Maybe you could solve your problem by jail breaking a cheap iPod touch (however I wouldn't really recommend this :/).
However, something that I would recommend is to try and find a stand/tripod for your video camera (iPad isn't it) - easy to get hold of, or you can just stabilise it by resting it against a solid structure

This video is a bit shaky but for a guy, multitasking playing an app and filming is difficult

I think that your commentary/review of the app is well done, and includes everything that most people would want to know before buying an app (which isn't explained in the crappy reviews given below in the app store).
Overall... Good Job!!!