Please help. Question

Doesn't Fb auto-play embedded videos? Each time someone scrolls your video through their timeline and it auto-plays it registers as a Fb view.
Yt will only register it as a view if they click play on an embedded Yt player or click over to Yt.
When I ran a promotion on facebook in the beginning I noticed the same thing, only half the views are counted somehow. I never checked properly into it (I thought the campaign was a waste of money and found adwords after that) but my assumption was that people will click it and get a popup if they want to leave FB for youtube and then decide not to watch it. Or maybe people clicked it accidently and went back before the video started playing on YT?

Anyways, if your traffic comes from "free" facebook v iews that's amazing results. if your views come from FB promotion I would scrap that idea quickly and do adwords instead. On adwords, you can get a view for 1 cent, targeted to who you want to reach and because people are already on youtube, they might have an account and subscribe to you. With FB the conversion rate of views to subscribers will be extremely low.
Hey Bola!

You don't have to worry, when YouTube notices an increase of views it will sometimes lag and your views will pop up after 24-48 hours!
I've had it happen to my videos as well!

Also when you scroll on facebook the video starts playing automatically, and if your viewer doesn't watch the video for more than 10 seconds it won't count towards a view on YouTube but Facebook will always count the view.

I hope I wasn't to all over the place!

Thank you so much[DOUBLEPOST=1481414979,1481414918][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't know if this makes any difference, but when I share my videos to Facebook I copy the link, and then paste the link on Facebook. If you just share the video, I think they are just watching the video on Facebook, not being diverted to your YouTube channel.
Hope this helps.
Oh really ?. Thanks for the update[DOUBLEPOST=1481415065][/DOUBLEPOST]
When I ran a promotion on facebook in the beginning I noticed the same thing, only half the views are counted somehow. I never checked properly into it (I thought the campaign was a waste of money and found adwords after that) but my assumption was that people will click it and get a popup if they want to leave FB for youtube and then decide not to watch it. Or maybe people clicked it accidently and went back before the video started playing on YT?

Anyways, if your traffic comes from "free" facebook v iews that's amazing results. if your views come from FB promotion I would scrap that idea quickly and do adwords instead. On adwords, you can get a view for 1 cent, targeted to who you want to reach and because people are already on youtube, they might have an account and subscribe to you. With FB the conversion rate of views to subscribers will be extremely low.
Thanks a lot for the update
Youtube's view counter updates every 24 hours, and probably not every person viewed
the video on facebook.
Sounds like the post was viewed 70+, but few/none of those people actually watched the video, they only saw the post on Facebook.
Sounds like the post was viewed 70+, but few/none of those people actually watched the video, they only saw the post on Facebook.
Oh !, really? Alright thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1481603758,1481603129][/DOUBLEPOST]
Doesn't Fb auto-play embedded videos? Each time someone scrolls your video through their timeline and it auto-plays it registers as a Fb view.
Yt will only register it as a view if they click play on an embedded Yt player or click over to Yt.
Oh okay. Thanks