Please help. Question


Well-Known Member
why is it that YouTube videos shared on Facebook,the views doesn't correspond. I'll explain.
I posted a video on my Facebook page. It has 70+views. But on YouTube it's just 30+ . Please someone explain and advise .
please I need answer. Why is it that the views of shared YouTube videos doesn't correspond to the views on YouTube . Is there no link between them ? . I shared a video to my Facebook page it has 100+ views but only 20 recorded on YouTube (probably only the YouTube original source ). Am I doing it wrong ? . Why share on Facebook if it wouldn't increase your views on YouTube ? Pls await answers.
You can look at your analytics and it'll show where your views are coming from. Did you post the actual link to your yt video? I've also heard Facebook counts a "view" more generously than YouTube.[DOUBLEPOST=1479835312,1479835250][/DOUBLEPOST]
It does take some time for views to propagate on to youtube so give it a few days and views should balance out. There will be some discrepancy as youtube will remove some views like duplicate views and views from yourself if you watched your own video, to check it all looks good etc
You can look at your analytics and it'll show where your views are coming from. Did you post the actual link to your yt video? I've also heard Facebook counts a "view" more generously than YouTube.[DOUBLEPOST=1479835312,1479835250][/DOUBLEPOST]
I used the share link.
It does take some time for views to propagate on to youtube so give it a few days and views should balance out. There will be some discrepancy as youtube will remove some views like duplicate views and views from yourself if you watched your own video, to check it all looks good etc
Okay. Thank you so much for the reply
I've moved your thread to the YouTube main forum. (The YTtalk support/suggestions forum is specifically for YTtalk support :) )
Hey Bola!

You don't have to worry, when YouTube notices an increase of views it will sometimes lag and your views will pop up after 24-48 hours!
I've had it happen to my videos as well!

Also when you scroll on facebook the video starts playing automatically, and if your viewer doesn't watch the video for more than 10 seconds it won't count towards a view on YouTube but Facebook will always count the view.

I hope I wasn't to all over the place!

I don't know if this makes any difference, but when I share my videos to Facebook I copy the link, and then paste the link on Facebook. If you just share the video, I think they are just watching the video on Facebook, not being diverted to your YouTube channel.
Hope this helps.