Pick one video type for me?

What Let's Play should i do?

  • Lost Planet 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NBA 2K 12

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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MLG Player | aoX | UnDefined | ReBirth |
Please just pick one of the above so i know which Let's Play i should start with. I will be making other videos in addition of this video. Thank you
Rated Pro
I'd recommend Borderlands because the hype of the sequel is insane, therefore Nostalgic game players can watch it until the release.
I'd recommend Borderlands because the hype of the sequel is insane, therefore Nostalgic game players can watch it until the release.
Thank you for the response, and good reasoning... i was also thinking borderlands, not because of your reason but because skyrim is being overplayed and i actually really like borderlands =]. Again thanks
Rated Pro
I will say Skyrim but thats only because I havent played the others and was never keen on Borderlands. There seems to be loads of things you can talk about when playing Skyrim and that could help you a lot when doing them, I cant comment on the others but I dont think NBA would work well for a long series of lets plays, a lot of people find it boring watching match type games, I know I would feel like that watching someone playing on Fifa and would probably with basketball.
I will say Skyrim but thats only because I havent played the others and was never keen on Borderlands. There seems to be loads of things you can talk about when playing Skyrim and that could help you a lot when doing them, I cant comment on the others but I dont think NBA would work well for a long series of lets plays, a lot of people find it boring watching match type games, I know I would feel like that watching someone playing on Fifa and would probably with basketball.
For basket ball, i didn't specify but i was thinking like a my player and a let's play working him up through the nba. i've seen some vids like this and some find it boring but some do like it. Also skyrim does have tons to talk about which is helpful
For basket ball, i didn't specify but i was thinking like a my player and a let's play working him up through the nba. i've seen some vids like this and some find it boring but some do like it. Also skyrim does have tons to talk about which is helpful

Oh I see what youre saying, like in a create a player type mode, that could be more interesting then single matches, it all depends on the viewer really, some people find Skyrim boring, just put out what you think would do well and something you enjoy playing on yourself and at the same time being able to talk about the game etc