Phazer network?


Good evening .

I have a question,well you see,I have seen that phazer network on some threads,and I have visited their site and their channel,and they seem pretty legit and professional,but I don't know anything about it,so can someone please tell me some info about them,the cpm,support ,requirements and network quality an reliability?

All I know is they`re under Viso, under BBTV, so they have the typical 40/60 gross split :|
And they seem to have the same growth plan as Acifin, do lots of partnership competitions instead of providing a good service, and lol they still have as much subs as they pretty much had last year :confused:
Requirements: ➜ 500+ Views/day ➜ Good Subscriber Support ➜ Must Be Subscribed To The PhazerTV - Network Channel ➜ HD Audio/Video Content ➜ Professionally Conduct Yourself

I think it`s funny when networks say to be partnered you have to sub to them :|
On their website it says they have over 4,000 subs, but they actually only have over 2,000. They also claim to have triple the views that they do as well.

The sub thing is weird.

Also look at their SocialBlade...

I respect they're a smaller network but for all their subs and views, their stats are on par with mine!

Also... they're asking for DONATIONS on their website. They don't sound too awesome to me. I would avoid.