Other Personal Assistant Available!


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody!
Call me N.
I can be your personal assistant for your channel.
That means setting up collaborations, finding (but not buying!) specific products, setting up social media accounts/websites/meet-ups (etc), writing scripts/drafts, and helping you in literally any way possible. This is all for free. No catch. I just like to do this.
I am good at what I do and can set up anything you need.
Please reply below and then email me at candyunionvideos@gmail.com
Also, just because one person already responded doesn't mean you can't too! Sometimes I can work for more then one person. Or, I might help a few people at first and then choose one person I enjoy working with the most and stick with them.
Happy creating!
- N
Hi I would like you to be my assistant if you can edit also I would like you to know that that I will pay you if I can earn the money
Hello, I am a small youtuber (just hit 50 subs) but i produce good content and upload on a schedule. I upload DIY's and makeup videos. I would love for you to be my assistant if you could and it would be 100% free!