Gaming [PC ONLY] YouTubers Collaboration Group 18+


I'm looking for humorous, entertaining, and good quality YouTubers to start recording with me and become friends!

Games we'll be playing are:
Golf It
Cards Against Humanity and more!

Must have a really good PC, good microphone and a good quality channel. When I say quality, I mean the quality of your videos must be no less than 2017 standards! 1080p, 60fps, entertaining (not looking for spectacular edits, just looking for creators that are confident and entertaining on camera!) CONFIDENT IS A HUGE BONUS.

Your thumbnails must stand out, your channel graphics and layout must stand out. If I go to your channel and I see a lot of minor faults, or a major fault I will not respond to your email. I don't have a lot of time as it is so no time wasters please.

Before you email, make sure you have the following:
700+ Subscribers or more. (If you think you're really entertaining and your audience retention rate is quite high, still send me the email)
Good thumbnails that stand out, and don't look like they were designed in paint.
A good channel layout - Having all your series playlists displayed down your channel in horizontal lines.
A good channel AVI / Logo. If I see your channel looks like everyone elses in terms of logos/avatars and 3D flashy intros I'll click off straight away and won't bother contacting you back.

I'm serious about finding good quality creators that want to work with me. Providing I go to your channel and I can see a lot of time/effort has been put into it and you have somewhat of an audience already, seem entertaining, funny and stand out from the rest of the channels that contact me I will most definitely email you back! Otherwise, please don't waste my time :) We are all in this to grow realistically, so I want to find people with a similar audience size too but that's not essential.

If you feel like the above suits you, please email:
Or follow me on Twitter @Metricate (I don't allow contact through Twitter DMs, so please still email me with your channel link and a short description about you and what your channel is about.

Thank you!