Gaming PC Gaming Group

I would be highly interested in that but the problem is that my channel has only 1 subscriber(Started 2 days ago) and yours has 2000+. Are you interested in doing group commentaries with such a small channel?
To me it doesnt matter your sub count. As long as you try and produce good content. Every famous youtuber started somewhere[DOUBLEPOST=1391027699,1391027422][/DOUBLEPOST]
Off topic, but that one sub is me :D
And I think you are going to go far on Youtube!

Anyways, Zorclaud, what type of PC games will be played?
Right now i don't have any certain games in mind, but if a bunch of us have a game we can collab on it and just build from there. Im thinking a Hexxit survival would be pretty sick though with a bunch of youtubers. I do have a server
i'd like to join, i'm 18, don't swear, my time zone is GMT -06:00, my skype is: Bungei_Boy, my steam is: ACBTgames,
my minecraft is: aCardboardTube, and my xbox is: "ACBTgames", but i have more games on "Bungei Boy"
hope thats enough info, lol..
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This sounds fun. I'm also looking into checking new people out and getting a wider network :p
You can count me in
I would love to get into a nice gaming group with some nice people :). I'm 18 years old (don't really care about other peoples age) and from Sweden. I have almost 300 subs and over 28k views (don't know if you care about that, but hey :p). I'll add you on skype, accept "gille23"
I'm willing to join some random survival. Never played Hexxit. so total Noob. Anyone want to help me out :D

skype: xxjes6
subs: 113
I would love to join, but would you consider this a good connection? Lol I have standard speed internet D:
I'd love to collab with you, my Skype is ledanielze let me know (via skype, youtube, or yttalk conversation) if you'd like to collab and we can pick a game along with a few other people if you'd like :p