pc capture /editing help

Sorry I didn't reply I was ill the past couple hours. You can use msi afterburner to record your screen. When you open the program you will see a program open that looks like figure 1. You will go to the settings button. That will open a new window as seen in figure 2. You will go to the video capture tab indicated by the arrow. You will also choose the hot-key in which will trigger the video recording in the place that says "video capture". I would suggest ctrlF9 (a combination of keys will make it less likely that you will accidentally hit it). The reason mine says none is because I do not use this program to record anymore. The other settings in the pictures is correct, except in fig 3. Audio source one make sure that you have it set to WASAPI playback device. I have tried the other settings and this was the only one that didn't have a delay. The option below this one might different. You will set this to whatever your output for sound is. I would suggest that you record your sound and mic separately. This means while you are recording your screen at the same time you will open up your windows voice recorder and commentate on that. This is to lessen mistakes and you will have the opportunity to edit these things separately. This is good because in the case where your game volume is too loud or your mic is too soft you can fix that.
Thanks man
The way this will work is when you have your game open you will push the hotkey you chose for the video record. you will see a small pinkish purplish ring on the top left side of your screen. This means that the program is recording. You have to have a game open for this to work for some reason, it will not work if you are only on your desktop. Again this is a free program and it record very clear but it can be finicky at times.

As for editing software just use movie maker, yea it might not have all of the fancy features that the other editing programs have, but as you said you are tight on money and the programs people are suggesting go upward from $100. If all you are doing is game commentary start with the free software and when you learn about it then get the better programs. You do not need to have the best equipment to succeed, what you are selling is your personality and if you master selling yourself you will do fine.
Thanks man
No worries, just remember don't spend a ton of money on things you do not know how to use. Practice then when you get a good idea then do research on the programs that do what you need.
No worries, just remember don't spend a ton of money on things you do not know how to use. Practice then when you get a good idea then do research on the programs that do what you need.

is this the program


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Yea. Thats the program. Just asking, is your computer capable of recordung and playing games? It requires some power.
Curious as to why you find both Fraps and Bandicam to be "pretty bad". I use Bandicam for all my recording and I've been perfectly happy with it.

I just don't find Bandicam as a viable choice for recording the PC. It's pretty bad because Fraps produced big file and the FPS is super inconsistent. Bandicam is bad because I personally had very bad experience with it. I'm not gonna spend my money on Bandicam if I can purchase DxTory. It's a far more superior program.
Yea. Thats the program. Just asking, is your computer capable of recordung and playing games? It requires some power.

yeah i can run cs source trouble in terrorist town the hidden minecraft with no lag and i can run day z pretty well (bits of lag here and there) m looking for the perfect settings as arma is a VERY demanding game so if yall know any good lag free arma settings tell me plz
I recommend fraps, it's a good recording program, but it's not free though. Well, there is a free version, but it will automatically stop recording after 30 seconds. The price aint high as far as I know.