Partnership W9-Form

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Ok thanks...but do you have filled any w8 or w9 form? Or did you give them only your paypal email?
Ok thanks...but do you have filled any w8 or w9 form? Or did you give them only your paypal email?

I didn't fill in any W8/W9 forms as I live in the UK and I don't think it applies. I just signed it and gave them my paypal email :)
If you're the US citizen and you supposed to get paid for the partnership, so yes, exactly. Actually, you should fill a W-9 on every commercial company you have an income from. I'm doing so with the IRS website (they have templates prefilled) or this in case the first one doesn't work or the company gave you a wrong template, which you could edit. But consider that this is a paid tool
If you're the US citizen and you supposed to get paid for the partnership, so yes, exactly. Actually, you should fill a W-9 on every commercial company you have an income from. I'm doing so with the IRS website (they have templates prefilled) or this in case the first one doesn't work or the company gave you a wrong template, which you could edit. But consider that this is a paid tool

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