I wouldn't recommend thinking about AdSense or Networks at your current channel size. Focus on making some good videos and slowly growing your audience. You should start looking for a network once you have a good amount of views and subscribers. Choose the one which you think will help you the most.
In terms of AdSense vs a network (MCN), here are a few things to consider:
Payments: Dependent on your country, Google will pay you direct to your bank, or by sending you a cheque. However, you'll need to earn over $100 / £60 before they do this. On the other hand, some networks will pay you every month via PayPal, no matter how much you earn. As a small channel, it could take you many months to get over the threshold, compared to monthly payment from a network.
Benefits As a few people have already mentioned, if you're accepted into a network you'll get access to any of the standard features they offer (e.g. music library, dashboard, collaboration finder). As a small channel, these features can be of great value to you given the small amount of money you're giving to the network (networks typically take 10%-40% of your earnings).
Support: Google does not offer email support to every YouTube Partner, only those who have over 15,000 hours of watch time in the last 90 days (see below for how many video views this would equate to). All networks will have a support team who you can contact with any issues you have. This is where it's crucial for you to try and find out what existing partners of the network thinks of the support (even looking around on this forum you can see some people who haven't had a good experience). When you're first starting out on YouTube, a network with a good support team could be very useful for you.
Assuming you had an average view length of 2 minutes, 15,000 hours of watch time, would equate to 450,000 views (in 90 days) = 150,000 monthly views.
or let's say you had an average view length of 3 minutes, 15,000 hours of watch time, would equate to 300,000 views (in 90 days) = 100,000 monthly views.